E + E Podcast Episode 36: Fueling Your Body and Creating a Positive Relationship With Food

Listen to Episode 36

“Everybody is different. Right? Everybody has different needs. Even my body and your body day to day have different needs. So when we’re looking at someone else’s intake in a day of however many calories with whatever foods that's not going to directly translate to what our needs are, what our activity is, what our muscle mass is, what our genetics are. Not to mention food accessibility as well plus all of the other things that determine our health. Right?”



We have Sammie Gollup of @anti.diet.mama on the podcast today. She is a mom of two, a registered dietitian, and her mission is to help people have a better quality of life by improving their nutrition and their relationship with food.

A lot of women are actually undereating and might not even know it. Sammie explains why this is hard on our bodies and shares the first step we can take if our body doesn’t seem to be sending us proper hunger cues. She shares what she wants moms to focus on in their postpartum journeys and, spoiler alert, it’s not weight loss.

In today’s online world, we see what someone else is doing for their own diet and exercise and might have the urge to implement their strategies into our own lives. Sammie explains why this isn’t going to have the same result on every individual and the importance of listening to your own body. 

Our generation grew up with moms who were always on diets and that had a major impact on our relationship with food. Sammie explains how her course, The Anti-Diet Mama Course, helps women create a better relationship with food, how it enables women to have a more neutral relationship with their bodies, and how it helps moms raise kids who will have a positive relationship with food & exercise.

4 Tips For Wellness

  • Movement

    • One of the best things you can do for yourself and your health is movement. Whether that's taking a walk outside, practicing yoga or strength training - moving your body is a critical component of health and well-being.

  • Nourishment

    • Ensuring that your body is getting enough calories to get you through the day. This means eating a proper breakfast, including colorful fruits and vegetables and getting protein.

  • Stress Management

    • Let's face it - life as a mom can be really stressful. Finding ways to cope with your stress will help to improve your well-being.

  • Sleep

    • Sleep? What is sleep? We KNOW how hard this one can be to come by. It also has a huge impact on your body and mental health. Never underestimate the value of sleep.


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