Women’s Health PT: Who Should See One + How to Find Them

Have you ever wondered about a physical therapist and if you might need one? If so, you aren’t alone.

I’m a Women’s Health Physical Therapist with my own clinic, Empower Movement. Since 2011 when I started practicing physical therapy, I’ve seen first hand the way that a few PT sessions can change someone’s lives. I also know that it’s not always well known what we do and HOW we do it. 

Women are not only built differently than men, but the hormones and unique stresses they undergo through pregnancy and postpartum require specialized care. Women’s Health Physical Therapy is health care through the lens of specially trained medical professionals who understand how women’s bodies work differently.

What is a Women’s Health PT?

A Women’s Health Physical Therapist is a PT who has had extra training to treat women through their life span but particularly during the childbearing years! Pregnancy and postpartum are such a physically taxing time on the body, a women’s health PT can help with both preventative and reactive care for lots of issues during this time period.

Women’s health physical therapists evaluate and treat the musculoskeletal disorders that may occur to women throughout their lifespan, with specialized understanding of the physiological differences and the impact of hormones on their condition and recovery. 

Pregnancy and delivery places an enormous strain on a woman’s body. There is strong research showing that skilled physical therapy can significantly reduce pregnancy-related back and pelvic pain and improve quality of life. 

So moms and moms-to-be - Women’s Health PT is for YOU!

What can a Women’s Health PT help with?

  • Pelvic floor issues 

  • Incontinence

  • DR (diastasis recti) 

  • Prolapse

  • Painful sex

  • C-section scar mobilization

  • Common pregnancy aches and pains like SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction), back pain, hip pain, neck tightness, round ligament pain

  • Labor and delivery prep

Who should see a Women’s Health PT?

EVERYONE! At Expecting and Empowered, we truly believe that every pregnant and postpartum mother should see women’s health PT. It’s not just for fixing problems that have already happened, but physical therapy can really be preventative. 

My mission in life is to get every pregnant person to a Women’s Health PT during her pregnancy so we can work on proper posture, proper breathwork and learning to control our pelvic floor. THAT way, you are already set up for a smoother postpartum period and we can avoid some of the common issues such as incontinence or prolapse. 

What to expect at your appointment?

For your first appointment, you’ll most likely get asked a lot of questions about you - your activities, your aches, your pains and you’ll receive a full body assessment. What do we do during that full body assessment? We are looking for issues you may be dealing with or things that can be optimized to help you feel your best and do the activities you want to do! We might ask you to do some movements so we can evaluate HOW your body is moving and why things might be feeling the way they do.

Once we have evaluated what’s going on, we will move on to hands-on treatment. Depending on what specifically you are being seen for, there are a few things we can/might do for your course of treatment.

I’ve put together a free PDF for the questions you can ask at your first PT appointment. Save to your phone or print it out to bring with to your first appointment!

Women’s health therapists may use a variety of research based treatment options including manual therapy, exercise prescription, biofeedback, and neuromuscular reeducation to restore normal joint mobility, improve muscular balance and control and teach improved movement patterns. An emphasis is always on teaching the patient how to help themselves and prevent new injury or problems.

Potential Treatments

  • Soft tissue release. Similar to a massage, this helps  break down adhesions, improve blood circulation, enhance tissue flexibility, and reduce pain. Releasing specific tight muscles that are the driver of your problems is key to having an efficient body. 

  • Dry needling. Holding tight muscles and moving the joint that is stuck. 

  • Joint mobilization. Much like chiropractors do, we are constantly testing and retesting that what we did has a dramatic change on the body. 

  • Abdominal muscles. Every postpartum mama and pregnancy person should have their abdominal muscles worked on. Often there are lots of trigger points from your belly hanging onto dear life as that abdominal expanded and came back in. Getting in there is something every mamas needs. 

  • Pelvic floor assessment. If you are pregnant or postpartum - this is not as scary as it sounds! Your pelvic floor is part of your core, so you need it to be functioning properly. This typically only takes 10 minutes or less of your appointment. Could be done internally or externally based on comfort level. Often this piece is so missed on women, because it affects the functions of so many areas. 

  • Then we will teach you the right ways to move and the right exercises so YOU can control your pain.

How to Find a Women’s Health PT Near You

  • Come to Empower Movement Physical Therapy!! I’d love to see you in my clinic if you are in the Oconomowoc, WI area.

  • Check out www.pelvic rehab.com.

  • Search through https://www.aptapelvichealth.org/ptlocator (click find a PT) 

  • Ask friends/community  for recommendations!

    • Finding someone that is already trusted is a great way to find one.

    • Try a mom Facebook community page. - often you will have the same names pop up over and over. 

    • Often if you ask your doctor they are only going to give you the name of the PT that works for their facility. That's a very small pool of providers. 

Interview your PT

  • You can call and talk to someone in their office and ask what common issues they treat during pregnancy and postpartum - such as prolapse, incontinence, DR, etc.

  • Look up their business on Yelp or Google and read through the reviews. 

  • If you didn't have a great experience or didn't vibe with the PT - find a different one! There is nothing wrong with switching and finding one that is more aligned with you and what you’re looking for. 

    • There are amazing providers out there. Just like dating - sometimes it takes time to find the right fit. 

The Perfect Combo: PT + Expecting and Empowered

I love this combo. As physical therapists, we often don't have time to write up specific programming for YOUR body. While I wish I could write every single one of you your own individualized program, I’ve worked with my sister Amy to create the next best thing. 

Expecting and Empowered takes the guesswork out of what you should be doing and serves as your complete strength training plan.  During pregnancy and postpartum, there are predictable problems and a certain progression and modifications you need. Expecting and Empowered is the best resource for preventing some of these problems and for rehabbing after a baby. 

So if there is no Physical Therapist nearby or you’d like a program that meets you exactly where you are in motherhood, Expecting and Empowered is just what you need. 

Pregnancy + Postpartum Fitness Made Easy

Workout programs designed to meet you exactly where you are.

Overall, women’s health physical therapists empower women to understand how their bodies work and take charge of their wellness. If you have any other questions about what we do, please leave a comment below!


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