Partner Assistance

There are lots of ways that your partner can help you prepare for labor and delivery and during the actual event itself.


  • Positive affirmation - Encouraging you and reassuring you that you are going to do great during labor and delivery.

  • Perineal stretching/massaging - This can help prepare the area for labor because it increases blood flow and elasticity to the area. It can make fore a more comfortable birth and reduce your chances of having an episiotomy and/or significant tearing. This is something you can do yourself but it is often difficult to reach this area with a big bump in the way, so having your partner do it is often much easier! You can find more information about perineal stretching here.

  • Staying sexually active if possible.

  • Have your partner massage your glutes.


  • Laboring Positions - Staying up right and moving during active labor is extremely beneficial, and your partner can be very helpful with this. We have examples of some great partner assisted labor positions below. Practicing and exploring laboring positions prior to birth can help you feel more prepared the day of.

    • Supported Stance

    • Lap Squat

    • Dangle: Upper Arms on Thighs

    • Tall Kneeling With Partner Support

    • Supported Full Squat

  • Epidural Specific Partner Assisted Positions - These are great positions to try with your partner if you have had an epidural.

    • Side lying with LE Support

    • Semi-Recumbent with LE Support

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There are also several ways your partner can help during delivery. All of these partner assists below can help relieve some of your pain and put you in a position that will help your baby descend into the birth canal.

  • Hip Squeeze - This specifically helps to open up your pelvic outlet.

  • Sacral Pressure - This is helpful with back labor, it can help take some of the pressure off of your back.

  • Belly Support - This is also helpful with back labor, and can help take some of the pressure off of your back.

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Check out the YouTube video below for explanations on a few of these positions. It is my greatest hope that this blog post was helpful for you and your partner! I know that you can do it mama, we’re over here cheering for you!


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