Fit Fam Fun- Holiday Tests

Bag Test

YOU NEED: 5 brown paper bags. Leave one tall and cut 1”, 2”, 3”, 4” off of four of the bags.

HOW: You have to try to grab each paper bag with your mouth and move it to a table or counter without touching your knees, butt or hands to the ground. See who can get the most in 60 seconds. If you get them all in 60 seconds, put them back on the ground and back up on the counter until time expires.

SCORING: The individual able to pick up the most bags wins. One point per bag placed on the counter.

WHAT THIS TEST IS FOR: Ankle, knee and hip range of motion; abdominal stability and balance.

Calf Raises 

HOW: Stand on one leg and perform as many calf raises without touching your other foot to the ground. Repeat on other side.

SCORING: The individual that performs the most calf raises total gets the most points. One point per calf raise without putting other foot down.

WHAT THIS TEST IS FOR: Calf strength and balance.

Balloon Blow 

YOU NEED: One ballon per person

HOW: The goal is to fill up your ballon (make it pretty large) in the least amount of breaths as possible, take a deep inhale, exhale into the ballon

SCORING: The person who can blow up their balloon in the least amount of bIf there’s a tie do the balloon blow in a side plank

WHAT THIS TEST IS FOR: Lung capacity

Staggered Stance Standoff 

YOU NEED: A partner

HOW: Grab a partner and have them stand in a staggered stance, facing you. You will match their stance by standing in the same diagonal (so if their left leg is forward, your left leg will be forward). You will push them back at their shoulders. Switch which leg is in front and repeat on other side. Repeat on both partners.

SCORING: One point if you don’t budge when pushed. The person with the most points wins.

WHAT THIS TEST IS FOR: Abdominal strength, how efficient your body is, do the right muscles kick on to perform the task at hand?

Hip Abduction Manual Muscle Test

YOU NEED: A partner

HOW: Lie on your side with your hips stacked. Raise your leg up and have a partner try to push it down. Repeat with leg forward.

SCORING: One point for each time you can hold your leg up when pushed. The person with the most points wins.

WHAT THIS TEST IS FOR: Hip abduction strength

Y Test 


HOW: Make a Y on the ground with tape. Make each piece of tape about as long as your arm. Stand in the center of the Y and tap one foot in each direction 3 times. Switch feet.

SCORING: One point for each tap without falling over. Add up the points on each leg. The person with the most points wins.

WHAT THIS TEST IS FOR: Balance, hip strength




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