Leaf Some Time for YOU Challenge


We are hearing from our community that mamas are feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated and maybe even burned out. We HEAR you - the demands of modern motherhood can certainly be overwhelming. We’ve been there too. 

It’s the perfect time to refocus on YOU. Prioritizing your physical health has a ton of benefits including improving mood, helping to control stress and anxiety, and even improving sleep quality. This new challenge will help you recenter during this busy season and carve out time for you. 

We know these challenges work best when you have a partner or a community behind you cheering you on. We hear from our community members that the accountability piece helps them to persevere. We’d love for you to find a partner to do this challenge with you OR we can play matchmaker and pair you up with a community member. We’re all in this together- so sign up whether you have a friend to do it with or you need us to pair you up.

The Rules:

Start date: The challenge begins on October 18th. Put the start date of your challenge along with your name at the top of your accountability sheet (linked below).

End date: 4 weeks after the start date takes us to November 15th. All entries will be due no later than 11:59 PM CST on November 15th. The winners will be announced on our Instagram story, and they will be emailed or direct messaged.

Challenge Sheet: Make sure you have the accountability challenge sheet printed or saved on your computer or phone. Over the next 4 weeks you will need to keep track of your workouts and put the date that you completed each one in the box. You will keep track of your 3 Expecting and Empowered Workouts, 1 cardio workout, and 1 way to fill up your cup, and one social media story share.

As always, this works on the honor system (because we cannot be there to check, although we wish we could give each of you a squeeze and encouragement).

Fill Your Cup: You cannot pour from an empty cup mama. This is a reminder to take time for YOURSELF to recharge and fill up your own cup. This is something aside from your workouts. We’d suggest the self care activity takes at least 15 minutes. Anything from meditation, to heading to the coffee shop with a book by yourself, to a pedicure, to walking while listening to a podcast, to a prenatal massage, to a bath. Whatever refreshes or improves life for YOU!

Cardio Box: Whatever type of cardio you enjoy best, its totally up to you.

Social Shares: We are not requiring shares on your feed post during this challenge, instead we ask that you share in your Instagram or Facebook story once a week during the challenge. This can be you sharing you a workout, your challenge sheet, or anything having to do with the challenge. Please tag us in these shares so we can share them with the community! We are including two graphics you can download and use for your social shares if you would like. Feel free to add in your own pictures and text.

Entry: Email us the completed sheet (scan or take a picture and email) to expectingandempowered@gmail.com. Along with the completed sheet, you have to send proof of your story posts. To be entered to win the prizes, you have to send the challenge sheet and two social shares by November 15th.

Prizes: We will be giving away a few amazing “mama” prizes including a mama sweatshirt, mama necklace, coffee mug + coffee. You and your partner will both win prizes! Plus we will be giving away a few smaller prizes along the way.


To Review:

Make sure to email your completed challenge sheet and story shares by November 15th. Send this email to expectingandempowered@gmail.com. Winners will be announced the week afterward on our Instagram.

Yay! Cheering for you! We are SO excited to complete this challenge right alongside each of you incredible women.

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Small Business Saturday: Gift Guide


Vulvar Varicosities