E + E Podcast Episode 13: Jacquelyn Brennan on Empowering Your Core After Baby


I think to really restore your core, it needs that focus and attention. Like I said, when I started doing the testing and everything, I could just feel so many changes in my body, but I had never intentionally carved out that space or that time.
— Jacquelyn Brennan


We’re so excited to sit down with our dear friend Jacquelyn Brennan today to talk about all things core after baby! 

Jacquelyn is the owner of Pilates + Coffee in Chicago, Illinois, and a certified personal trainer and perinatal corrective exercise specialist. In this episode, she shares the ways that the body changes when you’re pregnant and how that can affect your core, the importance of breath work during pregnancy, what to know about your core training during the postpartum period, and why you shouldn’t skip the beginning stages of strengthening your core. 

As Jacquelyn says, just know that it’s never too late to feel better! Check out our new 12 Week Empower Your Core Program inside the Expecting and Empowered App. This program is designed to strengthen and rebuild your core postpartum.

If this conversation with her resonated with you, we would be so honored if you shared it and tagged us on Instagram, @jacquelyn_brennan and @expectingandempowered, so that we can see it and get your feedback! We’d also be so grateful if you would rate and review our podcast in your favorite podcast app, because that’s the best way for a newer podcast like ours to get more people to listen. 

A Little reminder about your postpartum body


E + E Podcast Episode 14: Dr. Cassidy On Navigating Your Mental Health From Trying To Conceive Through The Postpartum Period


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